The Expert Due Diligence Checklist: Spotting Financial Manipulation & Investor Scams
Normally templates are only for members, but this one's a freebie!
I read VC Corner almost every day.
Ruben Dominguez Ibar is one of my absolute favorite writers on Substack. His content is relevant, interesting, and really nicely targeted for VC and PE readers, especially those that are still trying to build up industry knowledge.
This morning he ran a great guest post from the folks over at OnlyCFO. The timing is really funny because we’re about to share a really great due diligence checklist. As soon as I read this article though, I thought, “Wow, anyone who’s deal sourcing needs to have a handy version of this checklist.” And then I quickly subscribed to OnlyCFO.
So, here’s the link to download the 3-page template. Also, if you’re having a very hard time raising your fund, and you really want to learn how to sell to LPs, feel free to take a look at our Mastermind program (and LP Data). If you’d like info on Mastermind and LP data, click here.
If you have any questions on the material on the DD template, please either reply to this email, or add a comment below!